Remediation and Green Chemistry

SAp. La Limpieza Verde
3 min readOct 4, 2021

Since its inception and throughout the years, we have put all our experience into practice to constantly improve our products. In SAp. we are committed to always looking for an ecological solution to provide you with alternatives that avoid contamination, improving our production processes, taking care of health and the environment through cleaning.

That is why we are based on the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry [1], which reduces pollution from its design and development, minimizing or eliminating the use of hazardous substances from the beginning. Remediation, on the other hand, separates, concentrates, treats or removes final residues that contain dangerous chemical substances, in this way it achieves a safe disposal for the health of people and the environment.

These 12 principles are part of our philosophy and lead us to think and act in a responsible and sustainable way, from the concept and throughout the life cycle of our products:

  1. Prevent waste. We design formulas that take full advantage of the product without leaving residues.

2. Maximize the economy of the atom. We design balanced and stable formulas that take full advantage of their cleaning function.

3. Design less dangerous chemical syntheses. Our formulas contain ingredients derived from plants, non-toxic and from renewable sources.

4. Design safer chemicals and products. Our commitment as a company is to constantly improve our products, seeking to make them safer and more ecological every day.

5. Use safer solvents and reaction conditions. In our processes we do not use solvents or generate reactions with temperature, this ensures that we have favorable working conditions.

6. Increase energy efficiency. Most of our production processes are carried out at room temperature in the different seasons of the year.

7. Use renewable raw materials. Because our ingredients are derived from plants, they are renewable without affecting the environment.

8. Avoid chemical derivatives. In our products we avoid the use of ingredients that affect the natural composition of the final product or generate contamination.

9. Use catalysts, not stoichiometric reagents. Our company does not use special polluting substances to carry out the elaboration of our products.

10. Design chemicals and products to degrade after use. Our formulas are 100% biodegradable and its Gray Water is safe to recycle and enter the environment without polluting.

11. Analyze in real time to avoid contamination. Our manufacturing processes are controlled in real time, in such a way that all the ingredients are used in their entirety without leaving by-products or residues.

12. Minimize the possibility of accidents. Our products in their liquid or gel state are safe to handle, are perfectly packaged and can be safely released into the environment without polluting.

Now you know that your product contains Green Chemistry! This is how you take care of your health, that of your pets and the environment.

  • [1] EPA (United States Envorimental Protection Agency). Consulted on July 15, 2019, from

Sistemas De Aprovisionamiento – “Promoting a culture of hygiene and green cleaning for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, creating awareness and taking action, with an ecological thought by hand with nature”

